Friday, March 28, 2008

Shall We Dance?

For fifteen years, I trained as a ballet dancer and often took classes in partnering where you learn to trust your partner to lead. There is a good lesson in this and a hard one for me. When you are used to dancing solo or as part of a group, it is hard to lean on someone else trusting that they will take you where you are supposed to go. Letting go can be difficult. Even though I knew the choreography and the end result, I still had to rely on and work with someone else to help get us to the finale.

It is the same way in a life with God. At some point, we have to let go of the controls so that His visions can come to pass. We may not understand the way He is taking us and may even hate it, but the vision will come because He ordained it. The vision comes when we take His lead.

Lord, change my mindset to one of reliance on You. Help me to trust You with the plans You have for my life. Help me relax and let go and instead of encountering fear, find joy and wonder at every turn. I accept Your invitation to dance Lord and know that we will have an amazing finish. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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