Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Life as a Christian

Do you know Jesus Christ? Do you know anyone who does know Him? What is your impression of their belief and faith? Are you sceptical? Do you have a distaste for what they believe?

Many people believe from experience that being a Christian comes with a holier-than-thou attitude and a distaste for anyone not a Christian. Others think Christians are just fanatics or plain crazy. Do those of us who are Christians even have a desire to set the record straight for those who are not?

Being a Christian has been an amazing journey for me. When I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior twenty-three years ago, I had no idea what I was in for. These have been years of amazing blessings, and overwhelming trials, none of which I would trade. They have made me stronger, a little bolder and a great lover of Jesus Christ.

My life as a Christian has not always been a bed of roses and it never will be. God has taught me that Christianity is simply a relationship with Him. It's sitting with Him in prayer throughout the day. It is reading the Bible and asking Him for wisdom, understanding and guidance. It's learning to surrender to His will and being obedient to His commands and call on our lives. It's getting to know Him and falling madly, deeply in love with Him. And it is sharing this faith and all that He is with others.

The results of a life with Christ are unspeakable joy, unfathomable love, immeasurable grace, and an indescribable sweetness in your life. There are trials, heartache and pain throughout our lives as Christians, but having a relationship with God teaches us how to trust Him, how to wait on Him to help us through each trial, patience, and expecting and receiving victory and blessings.

Many people think you have to be perfect to be a Christian. It ain't so! Perfection is attained as we live our lives as believers in Jesus Christ and it is all done by God. Our part of perfection is being surrendered to God so that He can transform us into the likeness of His Son, Jesus. Our trials and victories are what make us more like Him. We make mistakes. We hurt people and ourselves with our actions and our words and we fail. But because we have a relationship with God and because He loves us more than anything, He gives us more chances to get it right. And as we grow, we learn that living as a Christian can only be done by His power not ours.

I love the Lord, because He sacrificed His Son out of love for me, a sinner. He has accepted me as I am, my mistakes and failures. Yet, He still loves me. Is it possible for someone to love us no matter what we have said and done to ourselves and others? Absolutely! God is the Someone Who can, will and does love us for all that we are. He created us so that He could love us. That is His only motive and all He wants in return is for us to love Him. He is really quite simple! The beauty of being a Christian is knowing that His love exists purely for us and that it is there every moment of everyday.

If you don't know Jesus Christ and would like to find out more, simply ask Him. He would be delighted to hear from you and is actually waiting just for this moment.

Lord, for those who do not know You, I pray that they will seek you today and every day. I pray that they will continue to seek Your face and have a sweet relationship with You. Touch each one of them Lord and direct their steps to where You want them to be. Lead them to those who can help them in their new life's journey. Renew their spirits and fill them with Your glorious love and grace.

For those who do know You Lord, strengthen them and continue to guide them. If they have turned from You or are in such great need, call them near. Help them hear Your voice and find rest and comfort in You. Encourage each one of us to reach out with open arms to those who are searching to be filled. May we be Your shining light and hope for them.

You are the sweetest, most precious gift we could ever have. May we rejoice in all that You are and give You all the glory, honor and praise. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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